Marijuana is the dried plant form of Cannabis.
The distinctive shape of the cannabis leaf
The amount sold as a street deal varies quite considerably but typical quantities are shown together with the various current forms of packaging.
Jamaican compressed herbal cannabis usually consists of the whole plant, cut, crushed and pressed into blocks.
Nigerian and Ghanaian compressed herbal cannabis is similarly pressed into blocks, although these may vary considerably in size.
Cannabis from Nigeria, shown here in loose form. It is currently quite common in this country. The stems of the plant can be clearly seen, mixed with the dried leaves.
St Lucian cannabis, another example of loose herbal cannabis. Note how green it is compared with the Nigerian variety. This is a sign that it has only recently been harvested.
Thai sticks, a most unusual form of herbal cannabis, and one peculiar to Thailand. Such sticks rarely reach the UK.
Poor-quality home-grown cannabis, finely cut. The THC content would undoubtedly be fairly low.
The greatest concentration of THC is in the flowering tops and top leaves of the female cannabis plant. High quality cannabis in this form is known as Sinsemilla.
A growing flowering head of a female cannabis plant.
The Malawi stick is a form of compressed cannabis moulded into a shape peculiar to its country of origin. The usual length is about 15cm.