Curriculum Vitae
Personal Details:
Majid Annabi (Pharm.D), PhD
Managing Director and Member of the Board at Caspian Tamin Pharmaceutical Company , Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), pharmacoeconomics and Pharmaceutical administration.
Work address:
Caspian TaminPharmaceutical Company
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), pharmacoeconomics and Pharmaceutical administration 2010 – 2015
Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.), Pharmaceutical Sciences 1993 – 1999
- Estimating Capacity Utilization in Iranian Pharmaceutical Industry: Pharmaceutical Companies on the Stock Exchange, 2008-2012, Iranian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research (2015).
- Evaluating the Performance of the Pharmaceutical Industry in the Three Economic Development Plans of Iran, European Journal of Economics, Finance and Administrative Sciences (2000-2012).
- Priority Setting for Productivity Indices in Iranian Pharmaceutical Companies Introduction, Journal of Pharmacoeconomics and Pharmaceutical Management 2014; 1(1): 27-31.
- Evaluation of productivity in Iranian pharmaceutical companies: A data envelopment analysis-based Malmquist approach and panel data analysis, J Res Pharm Pract. 2015 Apr-Jun;4(2):51-6.
- Study of Productivity Growth Sources in the Pharmaceutical Industry in Iran Years (2000-2012), Journal of Research in Pharmacy Practice. Vol-7, Special Issue-Number2-April, 2016, pp707-718.
Skills and Work Experiences:
- Managing Director at Zahravi Pharmaceutical Company(1393 – 1396)
- Member of the Board at Temad Co.(1393-1395)
- productivity consultant in pharmaceutical companies (1392-Now)
- Cosar pharmaceutical company (1389-1392)
Factory manager
Quality Assurance Manager
Quality Control Manager
- Farabi pharmaceutical company (1387-1389)
Production Manager
Laboratory Manager
Quality Assurance Manager
- Amin pharmaceutical company (1382-1387)
Production Manager (1387)
Quality Assurance Manager (1385-1387)
Marketing Manager (1385-1386)
Production Manager (1384-1385)
Marketing Expert, Export Expert, Marketing Supervisor (1383-1384)
Pharmaceutical Expert of Production Unit (1382-1383)
- Annabi Pharmacy Zarinshahr
Technical manager
- Medical Center Isfahan (Falavarjan)
Technical Manager, director of Medical houses (1378-1380)
Education and Qualification:
- University of Medical Sciences Health Tehran (2009-2014)
- Pharmacist Kerman University of medical sciences (1994-2000)
- Excellent Knowledge of Computer and Internet.
- Excellent Knowledge of Word and excel
- Having the certificate of these courses:
- – Pharmacoeconomics and Executive Management
- -IMS Internal Auditor
- – Information Technology (IT)
- -Marketing Research
- -Good laboratory practice (GLP)
- -SPC (Statistical Process Control)
- -Time Management
- -E Commerce
- -Principle and Technology of negotiation
- -General Requirement for Calibration
- -Providing of Standard operation in Pharmaceutical industry
- -Validation (Iran and Germany)
- -Good manufacturing practice Iran and Germany (GMP)
- Subrogation According to Decency Modeling
- Formulation of Tablets and Capsule
- Assessment of Performance on the 360 Degree Feedback
- Management and Recognition of Impasse in Increase Productivity
- Research of Marketing
- Strategic thinking
- ISO 9001: 2000
- DISC Management
- Manage and Improve Processes
- Report writing and Writing letters Administrative Regulations
References: Available Upon request.